Plot Summary:
The purpose of JSTOR is to provide teachers, students, and scholars
access to more than 1,500 academic journals and over one million primary
sources. Content on JSTOR covers over fifty disciplines and material
from over 800 publishers. JSTOR provides trustworthy academic material
for patrons in schools, public, or university libraries to use in their
research efforts.
Critical Evaluation: N/A
Reader’s Annotation: JSTOR
is a fantastic, trustworthy resource for all of your research needs.
You can access over 1,500 academic journals and over a million primary
source documents in our database.
Information about the database: William
G. Bowen created the idea for JSTOR as a solution to the issue with
storing the large amount of academic journals in the limited spaces of
college and university libraries. Bowen decided that the best solution
was to digitize the journals and store them in a centralized location
accessible to libraries and their patrons. The benefits of electronic
journals is it frees up much needed space, saves on cost, is never lost,
and available to more people at any given time (JSTOR, n.d.).
Genre: Database
Curriculum Ties: This database can be used in any class in which research is conducted.
Booktalking ideas (one or two): N/A
Reading level/Interest age: 14+
Challenge Issues: N/A
Why I chose this database: I chose this database because it offers access to academic journals, books, and primary sources to aid student research needs.
JSTOR. (n.d.). About. Retrieved from
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