Bibliographic Information: Halfon, L., Malkovich, J., Novick, M., & Smith, R. (Producers) & Reitman, J. (Director). (2007). Juno [Motion picture]. United States: Fox Searchlight Pictures.
Plot Summary: When
sixteen-year old Juno MacGuff finds herself pregnant with her friend’s
child, she decides to give the baby up for adoption. Her parents,
although shocked by the revelation, are supportive of Juno and her
decision for adoption. Juno searches the Pennysaver
ads with her friend Leah for a suitable family to raise her unborn
child, and selects Mark and Vanessa Loring. Juno makes a few visits to
the Lorings home where Mark works, and they discover common interests.
The visits take on more emotional meanings for both Juno and Mark, and
during one visit Mark discloses his plans to leave Vanessa, because he
isn’t ready to be a father. Juno freaks out, and leaves, scared of what
lies ahead for the Loring family and her baby. Juno starts to realize
that she has feelings for her child’s father, Paulie Bleeker, when he
asks another girl to prom. When she shares her frustration with him,
Paulie brings to light that Juno’s actions have broken his heart. What
will become of her relationship with Paulie, and does Vanessa still want
to adopt her baby without Mark in the picture?
Critical Evaluation: Juno
provides a humourous take on the theme of unplanned pregnancy. While
teenage pregnancy is no joking matter, it showcases the decisions a
young girl faces with an unplanned pregnancy. Initially, Juno opted to
have an abortion, but upon arriving at the abortion clinic was met by a
protester stating,”All babies deserved to be borned!” When the
protester tells Juno that her baby already has fingernails, she realizes
she can’t go through with the abortion, and starts her search for a
couple to adopt her baby. Juno also has to deal with her feelings about
her baby’s father, Paulie Bleeker. Initially she plays cool about the
situation, distancing herself from Paulie, but she realizes her true
feelings for him when he asks another girl to the prom. This compounds
the issues she has with her growing body, raging hormones, and funny
stares from her classmates. Eventually, Juno is able to admit her love
to Bleeker after a heart-to-heart talk with her father. The adoption
process doesn’t go very smoothly either. When Mark tells Juno he is
going to leave Vanessa, she is left worried Vanessa won’t want the baby
anymore. Teenage pregnancy is a tough situation, but Juno shows that with support and options, the teen mother will survive.
Reader’s Annotation: Take
a look into the life of Juno MacGuffy- sixteen, and pregnant with her
friend’s baby. A night of boredom never turned out so wrong!
Information about the director: Jason Reitman is no stranger to Hollywood. His father, Ivan Reitman, directed the 1984 hit Ghostbusters. He started by directing commercials before making satirical shortfilms. Some of his other films include Thank You for Smoking (2006), and Up in the Air (2009).
After a failed semester studying pre-med at Skidmore College, Reitman transferred to USC to study film. His work on Up in the Air starring George Clooney earned him a Golden Globe for Best Screenplay (YAHOO Movies, n.d.).
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Curriculum Ties: N/A
Booktalking ideas (one or two):
1. Teen Pregnancy statistics
Reading level/Interest age: 13+
Challenge Issues: This movie contains sexual content and language, and reference to abortions.
To defend challenged material I would:
1. Read/watch/listen to the material to become familiar with the content.
2. Familiarize myself with the Arizona Common Core curriculum standards http://www.azed.gov/azcommoncore/teacher/ to defend how the material can support the learning of these standards.
3. Refer to the Library Bill of Rights: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/librarybill
4. Refer to the collection policy of my library.
5. Collect reviews from staff/students/patrons who have used the material
Why I included this movie: Juno is
a great addition to my movie collection because of the self-discovery
Juno makes during her pregnancy, and subsequent adoption of her baby.
YAHOO! Movies. (n.d.). Jason Reitman- Biography. Retrieved from http://movies.yahoo.com/person/jason-reitman/biography.html
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